disappearing bottom panel

eric jackson ejazzkatt at gmail.com
Thu Dec 9 13:38:41 UTC 2010

I've had this problem for awhile and it has persisted through several 
different versions or updates of KDE. I am using 10.4.

The problem is that the whole panel that runs across the bottom of the 
screen just disppears. Not only that, if I have a program open, the 
Maximize, Minimize and close buttons also disappear. If I choose the 
option to Restore The Default Panel, the panel shows up on the top of 
the screen and often it's not exactly the same as was when it was on the 
bottom. The only way to get things back to normal is to log out and then 
to log in.

I've been using Ubuntu because of the problem. When I notice there have 
been KDE updates, I try again to use KDE. I tried yesterday and again 
the same thing happened

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