getting rid of the tree view of a message

Michael Hirsch mdhirsch at
Mon Aug 16 21:46:58 UTC 2010

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Basil Chupin <blchupin at> wrote:
> On 17/08/2010 02:54, Michael Hirsch wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 10:58 PM, Basil Chupin<blchupin at>  wrote:
>>> On 16/08/2010 14:46, Michael Hirsch wrote:
>>>> I just upgraded my family to KDE 4.5.  Now my wife is pretty unhappy.
>>>> Her biggest problem is with kmail.  When she looks at a mail message
>>>> (double click the entry in the message list) is always shows her the
>>>> message structure.  Even worse, the frame showing the structure takes
>>>> up half the window.  She can shrink it to something smaller, but the
>>>> next on she looks at has it back to half the window again.
>>>> Anyone know what is causing this and how to fix it?  Preferably, she
>>>> could make it go away entirely.  She has no interest in that
>>>> structure.  She doesn't care that there is a text body part and an
>>>> HTML body part.  She cares about attachments, but those are displayed
>>>> at the top of the message, too.
>>>> I have to say I agree with her.  That structure pane seems only of
>>>> interest to mail geeks.  Why should anyone care about it?
>>>> Anyway, anyone know how she can get rid of it, or at least make it smaller?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Michael
>>> By "message structure" do you mean the Header of the message (showing
>>> From, To, Subject, etc etc)?
>>> If so, then there should be a setting in kmail' preferences to either
>>> see the "Full View" of the header or to see it in "Normal View - or
>>> words to this effect?
>> No, I mean the part at the bottom of the mail message that tells you
>> what the structure of the MIME mail is.  Often it is a text body, an
>> html body, and some number of attachments.
>> Michael
> I see. You can't left-click, hold, and drag down (or up or sideways,
> whatever) the border(s)?

Yes, I can do that.  But then the next message has them back where
they were.  On my personal kmail they are unobtrusively down at the
bottom, taking up very little room.  And as a geek I don't mind seeing
them there and getting some insight into how mail is structured, but
on my wife's kmail they take up have the message window.  Even I agree
that is intolerable.


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