Separate activity for each desktop in 4.5?

Neil Winchurst barnaby at
Sun Aug 15 14:38:53 UTC 2010

On 15/08/10 14:24, Reinhold Rumberger wrote:
> While I agree that this isn't a major feature, the underlying design
> decision was stupid and short-sighted. Also, there are some people
> around with rather bad eyesight for whom this feature is rather
> crucial.
>    --Reinhold
I have been following this thread with some interest. I still use an 
older version of KDE and I can have different backgrounds for each 
desktop. Now whether that is useful or not is not the point, to me at 
any rate.

It now seems to be something that is either not easy or not possible 
with the latest versions of KDE. To me the point is this. It was easily 
available in KDE 3*. Why was it not retained in version 4*?


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