multiple instances of kate?

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Mon Aug 9 19:41:42 UTC 2010

2010/8/9 D. R. Evans <doc.evans at>:
> Perhaps I'm simply inept with google, but I couldn't find an answer to this
> seemingly-simple question.
> Every time I edit a file with kate (64-bit lucid), it opens the file in a
> currently-running instance (if there is one, of course). How do I force a
> new instance of kate to be started?


There is an option you can use to get a new instance of Kate.
"kate --help" from command lione gives "-n, --new  Force start of a
new kate instance (is ignored if start is used and another kate
instance already has the given session opened), forced if no
parameters and no URLs are given at all"

In Systemsettings->Filebindings Choose the filetypes you are using
with Kate and change the options for Kate. For example from "kate -b
%U" to "kate --new %U".

God luck

/ Jonas

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