Howto: Empathy Training, Anger Management for improving communication & assistance in FSW community - was: Re: CiscoLinksys - Ric Moore +=1. Sensible man. ... ; jor kubuntu

Ric Moore wayward4now at
Wed Aug 4 04:37:58 UTC 2010

On Tue, 2010-08-03 at 17:58 -0700, giovanni_re wrote:
> On Sun, 01 Aug 2010 20:49:05 -0400, "Ric Moore"
<wayward4now at>
> said:
> > On Sun, 2010-08-01 at 17:36 -0700, giovanni_re wrote:
> > > On Sat, 31 Jul 2010 14:18:48 -0400, "Ric Moore"
<wayward4now at>
> > > said:
> > > > To call his
> > > > problem a rant denigrates the OP and minimizes his problem. Ric
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Ric Moore +=1
> > > 
> > > Sensible man.
> > 
> > I was forced to take "Empathy Training". That, and "Anger
> > It's a whole new world, I was "CURED". <cackles>  Ric
> This is very interesting.
> You have acquired knowledge that enables your mind to comprehend
> significant situations better, & know how to respond better.
> Also, that knowledge isn't currently widespread in both the world, &
> the free sw community, I suspect.

Our non-profit works with men and women getting out of prison. All of us
have had run-ins with the law, to various degrees and some measure of
incarceration. Learning to get along, especially when the lack thereof
would get you a busted lip, (while the guard looks the other way ...if
you have it coming) is usually just a matter of perspective taking. I
found my own perspectives weren't worth #$%^ and it took a "little time"
to straighten that out, in a hurry. So, "You have acquired knowledge
that enables your mind to comprehend significant situations better, &
know how to respond better." that is a survival trait. With that in
mind, someone won't drag you off into the shower room to beat your
brains out. 

So, we're working on a computerized course, using java and a 3D
environment named "Open Wonderland". The plan is to serve audio/video
captured "lessons" into a 3D world, sorta like Second Life, so that the
men and women who do not read nor write can still benefit from courses
such as the ones that I mentioned, plus others. I DID have to take them
myself. I had a real short fuse. Too short, and I needed to learn why. 

No different from computers, sometimes you need to install fresh, as
there was way too much cruft to upgrade. Getting tossed into the pokey
is like having your computer refuse to boot, so you start over. What was
real, ain't real no more. I went from a very well paid tech-support desk
to shining shoes to make an extra 25 cents. Yes, it's ALL perceptions. 

But, that's also the time to decide what to install and what not to
install, too. So, you find a good mentor and start from there. All, in
all. It didn't kill me, and just maybe I'm a better person than I was.
The things that I did, I can't pay back. Paying forward is all there

OTOH, you never let anyone run over you. Being properly assertive, you
have the right to have goals, the same as anyone else. But, so do they.
That's the key... finding and having value in another person. No matter
what your initial opinion is. 

Meanwhile, enjoy life! You never know what might happen to take it all
away.  Ric

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