DHCP timeout for WPA-encrypted WLAN network

Wolfgang Jeltsch 4cqncnl7 at acme.softbase.org
Fri Sep 11 12:48:57 UTC 2009

Am Freitag, 11. September 2009 14:06:59 schrieb Steve0 Grobler:
> when using wicd does the same thing happen when you use a static ip? if not
> i would say that the problem is either your dhcp server(running on router
> or on a seperate pc) that's not set up correctly or much more likely it
> will be that your dhclient is messed up for some reason, but this will also
> indicate that the problem is not neceassarily wicd specific.

But wicd behaves differently from Network Manager, although they use the same 
dhclient. Network Manager connects to the unencrypted network (including DHCP) 
while wicd failes to connect.

> I had issues at home where my dhclient would timeout some of the times
> before a response could be received.

With Network Manager, dhclient does not time out but is killed by Network 
Manager after 45 seconds.

> what i did was i added my wireless cards mac adddress to my routers' dhcp
> iptable with a hardcoded ip address assigned to that mac address. That
> worked fine for me, but with todays technologies you never know!

I can try this, thanks for the tip. However, this won’t help me when I’m on 
the road and want to access some semi-public WLAN. :-( 

Best wishes,

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