DHCP timeout for WPA-encrypted WLAN network

Wolfgang Jeltsch 4cqncnl7 at acme.softbase.org
Fri Sep 11 11:20:57 UTC 2009

Am Freitag, 11. September 2009 13:10:51 schrieb Steve0 Grobler:
> wicd is by far the sweetest network manager i used to date and would highly
> recommend it.

So someone should tell the Ubuntu/Kubuntu developers that they should use wicd 
instead of Network Manager in future Ubuntu/Kubuntu versions. :-)  Hmm, better 
not, there is no Plasma support. They better should fix Network Manager. :-) 

It’s a rather serious thing for me that I have to use a network management 
tool that disturbs my nice KDE desktop. :-|  I might even prefer to use a 
command line tool. Surprisingly, wpa_supplicant does not work when I run it in 
the ordinary way. However, it seems to work (more or less) when controlled by 
Network Manager via D-BUS. Strange!

Best wishes,

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