Ot: Re: Can pulseaudio be gotten rid of?? Karmic...

Perry pwhite at bluewin.ch
Mon Oct 26 19:27:12 UTC 2009

Le Monday 26 October 2009 03:26:40 Ric Moore, vous avez écrit :
> THANK YOU! Dotan. At least I'm not alone. See, I am not a developer. Nor
> am I merely just a passive user. I'm trying to get a STABLE install on a
> "Proof-of-Concept" machine to put in front of DOC officials to introduce
> Linux to prisons. No software costs, older machines could be put to
> useful purpose and development of rehab programs could then proceed.

I really appreciate what you are trying to do, Ric.
Prisons are, allas, not meant to help inmates out, only to take some sort of 
sylly and stupid revenge on them. I hope the work of some good people can 
help inmates to get out as better persons, not as worse like usual.

Greetings		Perry

BOFH excuse #388: Bad user karma

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