Karmic: Akonadi won't start because of dbus

Mark Greenwood fatgerman at ntlworld.com
Sun Oct 25 12:07:14 UTC 2009

On Sunday 25 Oct 2009 09:22:56 Martin Bretschneider wrote:
> Hi,
> I updates from jaunty to karmic and now I get errors from failed 
> akonadi. I uploaded the debug infos to 
> http://www.bretschneidernet.de/tmp/akonadi-error.txt .
> I guess the main problem is
> #########################################################
> Test 10:  ERROR
> --------
> Akonadi server process not registered at D-Bus.
> Details: The Akonadi server process is not registered at D-Bus which 
> typically means it was not started or encountered a fatal error during 
> startup.
> ###########################################################
> This seems to be a common problem since there is entry on 
> http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi . My home partition is not encrypted so 
> I tried the the following:
> #######################################################################
> The fix is to edit the following file "/etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld-
> akonadi". Below the line:
>       @{HOME}/.local/share/akonadi/** rwk,
> Add a new line:
>       @{HOME}/.Private/** rwk,
> Restart apparmor and restart akonadi. 
> #######################################################################
> But that did not solved the problem. I also tried a new test user. I 
> guess this is a main problem if any KDE user get this error after 
> starting KDE...
> Do you any hints?

I had this. It's a very frustrating problem. I probably went through all the links you did. FWIW I had the same issues in Jaunty and I used the same technique to fix both systems. It's not anything to do with D-Bus per se, the error just means that Akonadi failed to start. It doesn't, unfortunately, give any indication as to why this is.

To me it looks like a problem with the resource migration tool. 

I suggest your first step would be to use the Akonadi Control Panel to restart the Akonadi server. This seems to work - once the dekstop is up and running you don't seem to get the same errors. Then delete all the current Akonadi resources and try restarting the Akonadi server. If it then starts, you can try manually re-adding the resources - the Control Panel will let you create new resources and import 'old-style' plain file resources. I created a new Calendar and a new addressbook resource and then rebooted. I think that more or less did it for me.

I tried all the other ideas the Google could find, but this eventually got it working for me.



> Martin

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