Scanning app 'vuescan' for Linux - has anyone installed/used it?

john d. herron paradox.herron at
Wed Oct 14 14:40:01 UTC 2009

Thank you, Kay Haulrich and Lou Katz, for your encouraging indications. 
and Nils Kassube for your suggestions.

Here's how I had explained my problem to Ed Hamrick, the author of the 

"Good morning.
Yesterday I downloaded the vuesca85.tgz version of your 'vuescan' 
software into the personal folder (/home/john) of my Kubuntu box and, in 
a console, decompressed it using the command indicated by you - "tar xvf 
vuesca85.tgz --ungzip".
Result: a new folder (/home/john/VueScan) with the following contents:

john at john-desktop:~$ ls VueScan
lan_ar.txt  lan_et.txt  lan_it.txt  lan_pt.txt  lan_tl.txt  vuescan  
/(this file features an 'application' icon)/
lan_bg.txt  lan_fi.txt  lan_ja.txt  lan_ro.txt  lan_tr.txt  vuescan.bmp
lan_ca.txt  lan_fr.txt  lan_ko.txt  lan_ru.txt  lan_tw.txt  vuescan.dat
lan_cs.txt  lan_gl.txt  lan_lt.txt  lan_sk.txt  lan_uk.txt  vuescan.htm
lan_da.txt  lan_he.txt  lan_lv.txt  lan_sl.txt  lan_vi.txt
lan_de.txt  lan_hi.txt  lan_nl.txt  lan_sr.txt  lan_zh.txt
lan_el.txt  lan_hr.txt  lan_no.txt  lan_sv.txt  ocr_de.bin
lan_en.txt  lan_hu.txt  lan_pb.txt  lan_ta.txt  ocr_en.bin
lan_es.txt  lan_id.txt  lan_pl.txt  lan_th.txt  ocr_fr.bin

Attempting to launch 'vuescan' from a "run command" box yields... nothing.
Trying to run it from the bash console ($ /home/john/VueScan/vuescan) 
yields an "unknown command" message.
I'm not really an expert user and obviously doing something woefully wrong.
Could/would you perhaps help me out?
Thank you. john"

Here's what he replied:
"Hi John,
Unfortunately, I can't really help with diagnosing problems with
missing libraries.  There are some tips in the VueScan
Release Notes.
Regards, Ed Hamrick"

In the Release Notes for Linux, two libraries were mentioned that might 
be needed. libstdc++5 and libusb. On this system both were already 
installed. Anyway, I don't see any USB problems: my scanner, an HP 
OfficeJet 6310, has been working with xsane out of the box and is 
supported by Vuescan.
Kay, do you think there might be any purpose to moving the VueScan 
folder from /home/john to /opt?

I really do appreciate your help, guys.
Kubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn
KDE 3.5.6 - Linux 2.6.20-17 generic

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