Staying with Hardy

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Tue Oct 6 15:12:33 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 06 October 2009, Neil Winchurst wrote:
> Up to how I have had regular updates, including some today. What are the
> implications of staying put with Hardy please? Will I still get some
> updates or not? Is it a good idea to stay put?

If you're happy, stay with it...  but I think you're going to be missing all 
of the new features that each version brings....

I really don't see why you think moving to a new version is such a chore...  I 
just moved from jaunty to karmic (fresh install and then reconfigure) and it 
probably took me a half a day.

And.....   if you have the disk space,  why not make new  '/'  and '/boot' 
partitions for karmic and make an install but keep your old partitions?  That 
way you can try the new version but still boot the old.  (in your case, I 
would also make a copy of /home too.  Too many changes between hardy and 
karmic to be able to boot both versions.)

I always do fresh installs and usually start with the first beta.  When I 
installed karmic a day ago, I was just going to take a look at it to see if I 
wanted to use it now, or wait until the final.   Once I booted it, I never 
looked back.  Haven't booted jaunty since.   And one advantage of having both 
sets of partitions available is that you can go look at files on the hardy 
system for doing the reconfigure.

Your choice.

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