How to create a superuser in Kubuntu?

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Mon Oct 5 17:38:19 UTC 2009

On Monday 05 October 2009, Marcelo Magno T. Sales wrote:
> I've read some articles about creating superusers in Ubuntu, but all of 
> them rely on an option in Gnome User Manager that allows you to 
> configure an user as an administrator.
> In KDE User Manager, the available tool in Kubuntu, there is no such an 
> option. How do I create a superuser in Kubuntu?

Why not use root?

sudo passwd root
<your passwd>
<new root passwd>
<new root passwd again>

and don't beat me up, gang, for telling this....   This is the first thing I 
do when installing kubuntu.   I'm a big boy and I can clean up my own messes.

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