Aptitude prevention

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sun Oct 4 10:43:16 UTC 2009

On Sunday 04 October 2009, Wesley Velroij wrote:
>I post how I want, your not one to decide for me, its my mail account not
>yours, and gmail always top post go hide behind your pc if you donĀ“t like
>what I say
Why blame gmail?  There is I'm quite sure, a down arrow that will take your 
cursor to the bottom of the message so you can type there.  Or you can 
probably pull the scroll bar down and click where you want to type.

It is acceptable to enter your replies inline also, so that the answer to an 
individual question or comment is read by the rest of the world in the same 
order as a normal conversation would take place.

And lastly, this list has posting guides that recommend those practices.  It 
is also populated by volunteers, who are free to ignore, or even filter out 
other posters who think this list is their own bunch of slaves. Attitudes 
like yours will get your messages sent to /dev/null.  The choice is yours to 
be uncivil, the choice is ours to filter you.

Cheers, Gene
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