Spell checking & Firefox 3.6

Perry pwhite at bluewin.ch
Sat Nov 21 17:39:25 UTC 2009

Le Saturday 21 November 2009 12:22:42 Nigel Ridley, vous avez écrit :
> I just followed the instructions on:
> http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux.html#Java
> but still java doesn't work and isn't listed in 'about:plugins'

I struggled so hard to get java working and still don't know what exactly did 
the trick, but now it works, at least on firefox.
I said in my mail from August 15:
> I could never get map24 to work at all in Jaunty
but I meant:
>  I could newer get map24 to work at all *with Konqueror* in Jaunty

Although this post and the thread it belongs to does not deal with spell 
checking and talks a lot about Konqueror it's main topic is still java. It is 
possible that you find in there a few tools or indications (e.g. sudo 
update-alternatives --config java...)

HTH and good luck		Perry

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