Disabling touchpad tapping in 9.10

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Fri Nov 20 13:44:44 UTC 2009

O. Sinclair wrote:

> Hm - seems to work just fine so why not in Karmic I wonder? One thing
> though - can not disable tapping while typing, greyed out on mine. 

Disabling tapping requires the xorg SHMConfig setting.  In the .fdi I posted 
elsewhere in this thread it's:
 <merge key="input.x11_options.SHMConfig" type="string">true</merge>

> And my touchpad defined as ALPS/ALPS2 I see.

I don't think that matters.
> Any tips on how to set settings so that I do not accidentally open
> windows and documents etc while scrolling cause that is what really
> irritates me?

Yeah - I switch the touch-pad off in hardware when I have an external mouse 
:-)  Though the opening-windows-while-scrolling is something I manage to do 
pretty often with my external wheel-mouse, too.

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