Enabling Ctrl-Alt-Backspace in 9.10

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Mon Nov 16 02:32:33 UTC 2009

Reinhold Rumberger wrote:

> Am Sonntag 15 November 2009 schrieb Nigel Ridley:
>> OK, this is good for a one_user_system but I have another laptop
>>  that 4 people have accounts on. How do I edit X-org.conf to
>>  enable Ctrl-Alt-Backspace?
> Usually by adding the following lines to xorg.conf, but they don't
> seem to be effective:
> Section "ServerFlags"
>         Option  "DontZap"       "false"
> EndSection
> IOW, even though this is the way to do it according to "man Xorg", it
> doesn't work here...

My understanding was that Karmic no longer supports this.

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