Netbook recommendation

Billie Erin Walsh bilwalsh at
Sun Nov 15 20:42:28 UTC 2009

Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Sunday 15 November 2009, Billie Erin Walsh wrote:
>> I have an Asus EeePC and love it. It's a 900A with the Intel Atom 
>> processor that I have bumped the SSHD up to 64 gig and the memory to 2 
>> gig. I have Eeebuntu loaded on it. Not so crazy with the Gnome desktop 
>> but..............
> I run XFCE on my eeePC.   Very much like  KDE3

Which operating system?

I used the XFCE on my first Eee and the Xandros that came with it. Much 
better than that kiddie interface it came with.

Treat all stressful situations like a dog does.
If you can't eat it or play with it, 
just pee on it and walk away

Sent with Thunderbird on my Kubuntu Linux Desktop

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