Hello, my friend

A.J. Bonnema abonnema at xs4all.nl
Sat Nov 14 08:02:11 UTC 2009

On 11/14/2009 07:42 AM, Bruce MacArthur wrote:
> On Friday 13 November 2009 11:42:17 pm A.J. Bonnema wrote:
>> This is what makes US-speak some times just a little difficult to follow
>> from International-English-speak. At least some of the nuances, like
>> this one, get lost in the "translation".
>> Guus Bonnema, Leiden, The Netherlands.
> Hello, Guus --
> I usually try to be considerate of the many people whose first language
> is NOT English.  This is because I speak (foreign!) Spanish, and just a
> little bit of Chinese -- and, thus, I respect the numerous difficulties
> that either English OR "American" will present to the world at large.
> THANK YOU for the reminder that MOST of the world speaks English either
> not at all or else as a foreign language -- and that we who are
> privileged to learn it as a first language should respect the challenges
> associated with such a difficult language as English is -- and the people
> who work so hard to meet and overcome those challenges.
> Bruce   Mac Arthur
> 15875 Switzer
> Overland Park, KS  66221
>       913-897-4157
>       bmacasuru at fastmail.us
Thanks for the acknowledgement. Actually, I like to think my English is 
pretty good, but it is the cultural heritage of US-citizens that I miss, 
especially the indirect references to context I don't have (like the one 
you mentioned).

Some times it feels like, when you miss a news item, just didn't hear it 
at all, and everyone around you is referring to it indirectly. You know 
you are missing something, just no idea what, until someone explains.

Anyway, thanks for the explanation.

Guus Bonnema, Leiden, The Netherlands.

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