OT: Re: orkut - Fabio Locati desidera che ti iscrivi a orkut.
Myriam Schweingruber
myriam at kubuntu.org
Wed Nov 11 21:19:19 UTC 2009
On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 11:09, Perry <pwhite at bluewin.ch> wrote:
> Le Sunday 08 November 2009 01:37:41 Ric Moore, vous avez écrit :
>> On Sat, 2009-11-07 at 09:47 +0000, Fabio Locati wrote:
>> > Fabio Locati desidera che tu ti
>> > iscriva a orkut.
>> >
>> > Iscriviti subito!
> [snip]
>> > più email |
>> > Centro
>> > assistenza
>> All I got was a bunch of stinkin' html. X{ Ric
> I won't complain about html, the message is multipart, containing a plain text
> part.
> The trouble about this message is that it is SPAM.
This has been handled by the moderators already since quite some time,
don't worry.
We simply can't prevent such stuff, unless we put all subscribed users
on moderation, and that would be too much work.
So no need to discuss this, he is moderated, that case is solved.
Regards, Myriam.
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