OT: Re: orkut - Fabio Locati desidera che ti iscrivi a orkut.

Perry pwhite at bluewin.ch
Sun Nov 8 10:09:19 UTC 2009

Le Sunday 08 November 2009 01:37:41 Ric Moore, vous avez écrit :
> On Sat, 2009-11-07 at 09:47 +0000, Fabio Locati wrote:
> > Fabio Locati desidera che tu ti
> > iscriva a orkut.
> >
> > Iscriviti subito!
> > più email |
> >   Centro
> > assistenza
> All I got was a bunch of stinkin' html. X{ Ric

I won't complain about html, the message is multipart, containing a plain text 
The trouble about this message is that it is SPAM.

The guy wants you to subscribe immediately to orkut, a 
Social networking and discussion akin to facebook, so what
Christophe Alévêque said about facebook probably applies:

"Facebook : forme de bénévolat moderne sur Internet qui consiste à faire le 
boulot des Renseignements généraux à leur place", or in English, loosely 
"Facebook : kind of modern voluntary work over Internet that consists in doing 
the work of intelligence agencies for them"

So it does indeed stink.

BOFH excuse #438: sticky bit has come loose

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