Kubuntu Developer Team on issues and the way forward

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 07:35:53 UTC 2009

Being an avid Kubuntu-user since 6.06 I was a happy user until 8.04. 
Given what I saw coming in 8.10 I decided to skip a few releases until 
KDE4 became more stable/usable. In my opinion 9.10 seems to be the one 
that will win me back to upgrade for myself and most of the users I support.

The discussions have been wide and far on this list and other forums on 
decisions made, the way forward etc. I started a thread myself here a 
while ago that sadly got out of hand.

To get to the point. the discussions and, I would guess, harsh words in 
media and other forums have obviously been taken to heart by the 
developer team.

See the link of Project Timelord:

Note they ask for help - this time I will volunteer


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