KDE4.3 beta issues

Willy K. Hamra w.hamra1987 at gmail.com
Thu May 28 21:25:16 UTC 2009

Terrell Prude' Jr. wrote:
> Answers in-line.  At the end are instructions to get KDE 4.3 Beta1 
> installed on Jaunty.
> --TP
> Goh Lip wrote:
>> <div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Terrell 
>> Prude' Jr. wrote:
>>> I just upgraded my Jaunty installation to KDE 4.3 Beta1 (aka KDE 
>>> 4.2.85) this evening.  I have no need to go back to KDE 4.2.x, since 
>>> the whole point is (for me) to test out the latest KDE.
>> When doing update/upgrade, did you noticed whether there is any entry 
>> in the 'experimental' repository? (that's where the kde 4.3 is, not to 
>> be confused with the 'ppa' repository which is kde 4.2.3), or to put 
>> it another way, was the 'experimental' repository updated/upgraded?
>> Also, can you get into Adept or Kpackage?
> Using Adept.  Works just fine.
>> Can you access another partition by clicking it on Dolphin?
> I primarily use Konqueror as the file manager, but yes, it does work in 
> both Dolphin and Konqueror.
>> Can you extract a .zip file by ark in Dolphin?
> Dunno if it's using ark, but opening .zip files (and .tar.gz files) 
> works fine from Dolphin.
>> Does Kaffeine play?
> I use MPlayer, and it works fine.
>> Kmail works?
> I use Evolution due to MS Exchange Server at work.
>> Suspend to Disk/RAM works?
> Desktop box.
>> You got back your desktop?
> Yup, sure did.  My history in Konqueror was gone, but my bookmarks were 
> all there.
>> I know Firefox and Thunderbird works fine but for the average user who 
>> wants more than Firefox/Thunderbird in Jaunty Kde 4.3 beta, there will 
>> be lots of bugs to report.
> Here's how to do it, with comments.
> Include this in your /etc/apt/sources.list file.  Naturally, you can do 
> it with Synaptic, the command line, Adept, or whatever.
>    deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/experimental/ubuntu jaunty main
> Then execute the following, either as sudo or as root.
> sudo apt-get clean
>      1. sudo apt-get update
>      1. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
>      1. sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb
oh no, that ain't safe the teeniest bit. i have crap load of packages
over there, many versions of same package even, installing all of them
one after the other is NOT what i call safe, not to mention it might
actually install an older version after a newer version.
you have to pinpoint the 2~3 packages with overwrite problems. i did
install KDE 4.3 eventually, but i can't remember which packages i had to
manually dpkg.

>      1. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  (this might not work, see step 6)
>      1. dpkg -i --force-overwrite 
> /var/cache/apt/archives/kdepim-kresources_4%3a4.2.85-0ubuntu1~jaunty1~ppa5_i386.deb  
> (apt-get got hung up on kdepim-kresources, so I also had to issue this 
> now for apt-get to work)
>      1. sudo apt-get install plasma-widget-folderview
>      1.
> Log out, restart X11, and you should be running KDE 4.3 Beta.  Really 
> wasn't that bad.
> The link I got this from originally is here.  Murphy's Law of course 
> says it needed a little further tweaking.  :-)  That's what the above is.
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=9232020d1665935657423b6129bb11cd&t=1157594&page=2

Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
Co. Manager of Zeina Computer & Billy Net

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