KDE4.3 beta issues

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Thu May 28 05:53:08 UTC 2009

2009/5/27 David McGlone <david at dmcentral.net>:
> On Wednesday 27 May 2009 03:17:18 am Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> > It shouldn't have been called KDE 4.0, then.  Same with 4.1.  They
>> > should've been called KDE 4.0alpha and KDE 4.0beta, respectively.  And
>> > yes, KDE *is* a desktop environment.  That's why it's called the K
>> > Desktop Environment (KDE).
>> KDE is *not* a desktop environment, that is just one of the KDE
>> products. Read the opening paragraph of this obscure webpage:
>> http://kde.org/
> Huh? for 13 years I've always thought KDE is a desktop environment. What makes
> you think it's not? Have I been missing something for 13 years?

The desktop environment is by far the most prominent and visible part
of KDE. I've only been using KDE for eight years (since KDE 2), but I
also thought that KDE was a just a desktop environment too until KDE 4
came into development.

> Read:
> http://kde.org/whatiskde/
> excerpt:
>  KDE or the K Desktop Environment, is a network transparent contemporary
> desktop environment for UNIX workstations.

My guess would be that that text is around since the time when KDE was
a CDE clone. However, the point may in fact be important, especially
in the "KDE 4.0 was stable API, not stable desktop" argument. I will
bring it up on the KDE list. Thanks!

Dotan Cohen


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