Not receiving my own posts

Jerry Lapham rjlapham at
Wed May 27 18:38:28 UTC 2009

On Monday 25 May 2009 2:39:32 am Goh Lip wrote:

> Jerry Lapham wrote:
> > Recently when I post to the group I haven't been seeing them. I checked
> > yesterday and my configuration for the list was set to receive my own
> > posts. Anyone else having this difficulty?
> Since you use kmail for your gmail, try configuring kmail such that sent
> messages are put NOT in the gmail folder section but in other sections,
> ie if you have other email accounts too.

I accidentally  found the solution to the problem.  I signed up with Gmail to 
post to this list because for some reason I couldn't get it to change to my 
new ISP's E-mail.  I assumed that meant I would have to post through Gmail's 
SMTP.  While posting the other day I forgot to send the message via Gmail and 
let it go through my ISP, the default.  The list accepted it and since it 
hadn't seen it before, Gmail passed it on.

Jerry Lapham
Monroe, OH  45050
rjlapham at
Walk to Emmaus: Fueling station for a spirit-filled church

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