OT. This list has become "Neighbours, The Vollom Years".

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Mon May 25 17:00:59 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:

>>> Because missing features from KDE 3 -> KDE 4 are not bugs. KDE 4 is a
>>> rewrite, not a port. I know that sounds pedantic, but there have been
>>> many arguments about this already. I don't decide, the KDE devs
>>> decide, and they say it's a feature request.
>> They can call it what they want - I'm still going to file things like
>> this as _bugs_ and I encourage anybody who's upset about missing features
>> to do the same.  This is the attitude that really annoyed me when we got
>> a completely broken KDE4 sprung on us.  It doesn't matter that KDE4 is a
>> rewrite, if KDE3 had features we've come to rely on, losing them in the
>> upgrade is a bug.
> You will just annoy and alienate the dev. Are you filing the bug to
> get the feature back, or are you filing it to vent frustration?

I'd be filing it because functionality I've come to rely on has broken.  
I've stopped getting terribly upset when a developer insists on downgrading 
my bugs, but I'll still do with them as I wish.  Why is it more important 
that _I_ don't alienate devs than that _they_ don't alienate users?  
Stripping functionality from our apps and then saying that you have to ask 
for a "new feature" to get them back is at least as alienating.

>> Left click on a scroll-bar - in Kate and Konqueror for certain, Konsole I
>> think, and probably other KDE apps - and the scrolling will continue
>> until it reaches the end of the content.  It doesn't matter if I use my
>> touchpad, wired mouse, wireless mouse or Page Up/Down keys, so it's not
>> particular hardware, and afaict it can't even be the HID driver - as the
>> Page keys can't go through that.
> I cannot reproduce that. Strange. Does it not happen in GTK apps, or
> Qt non-KDE apps?

No, you're right - it's happening in non-KDE apps.  Eclipse, for instance.  

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