OT topics
Gene Heskett
gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sun May 24 01:40:24 UTC 2009
On Saturday 23 May 2009, Ric Moore wrote:
>On Sat, 2009-05-23 at 15:06 -0400, Clay Weber wrote:
>> On Saturday 23 May 2009 1:07:55 pm Ric Moore wrote:
>> > On Sat, 2009-05-23 at 17:46 +0200, Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
>> > > And here go the Four Yorkshire men again...
>> > > Guys, what does this have to do with a kubuntu-users mailing list
>> > > again?
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Regards, Myriam
>> >
>> > I marked the thread <OT>
>> >
>> >
>> > Huh? :) Ric
>> Marking an existing topic OT is still hijacking, if it has been hijacked
>> :)
>> I am seeing a disproportionate amount of undsubscribe notices as compared
>> to new subscriptions, makes me wonder if there is a need for a separate
>> list for the OT type topics. While I think that a user forum is a better
>> venue for many of the threads and some of our members, I do know many
>> prefer the mailing-list format.
>Clay, having been a member of one Linux Distro User List or another for
>well over ten years or so, the consensus through all of them is that a
>little OT is actually good for a list. Otherwise, we're inhuman question
>answering machines. Let me know if this objectification is a goal for
>this list or it's users. In the past those who do not wish to join in a
>little off-topic banter, need only filter out <OT>.
>About threads, in the Caldera User List we used <TID> or "Thread Is
>Deteriorating" as opposed to Hijacked. Again, easy enough to filter for.
>And those of us that enjoyed "socializing", we formed relationships and
>appreciated gaining another friend in our lives. The "Hot Sauce Eating
>Contest" that I held at the RedHat Linux Expo in 2000 came from such OT
>banter. I held forth that there was a correlation between Arch-Geekness
>and tolerance for Hot Sauce. Mad Dog Hall won, hands down.
>True well adjusted Humans are social animals. So, having the expectation
>that we spout answers on demand, then to shut up, sounds kinda
>de-humanizing. Eh? I'd un-subscribe over that, as I would not care to
>be objectified so.
Neither do I. I am subscribed here because 2 of my boxes run a *buntu. You
may consider it OT that the majority of the noise I make on this list comes
from a fedora box, and occasionally I'll slip and name something the *buntu's
don't have, like yumex, which is a gui for Yellow Dog Updater, Modified. It
fits in the same place in the fedora scheme of things as 'adept' does for the
*buntu's. And TBT, I like adept better!
However, seeing this banter also puts a face/personality on the people here.
We may not like the face, but that's the breaks. If a question is asked that
I do know something about, then I'm more than likely to proffer an answer.
>Seals do not bark for no fish. Ric
+10,000. So there.
Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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Once I finally figured out all of life's answers, they changed the questions.
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