Running a program from the command line.

Derek Broughton derek at
Thu May 21 12:51:14 UTC 2009

Mark Greenwood wrote:

> On Tuesday 19 May 2009 21:58:17 Donn wrote:
>> On Tuesday, 19 May 2009 22:47:52 Michael wrote:
>> > In KDE3, you could hit the giant K in task bar and get an option to run
>> > a command.  How do you do this in KDE4?
>> Alt + F2
>> Or open konsole.
> Or right-click anywhere on the desktop and choose 'Run Command'
> mark
>> \d

or hit the giant K and enter the command name (or part of it) in the search 
box... (obviously this only works for actual GUI apps - they may need to be 
in the menus, too: I haven't tried to run something that doesn't have a menu 

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