restarting the video

Nils Kassube kassube at
Wed May 20 19:53:25 UTC 2009

Gene Heskett wrote:
> >On Wednesday 20 May 2009 11:39:51 am Nils Kassube wrote:
> >> Michael wrote:
> >> > In 8.04, you could hit the ALT+CTRL+BACKSPACE and the video
> >> > would restart.  How do you do this 9.04?
> >>
> >> K-Menu -> Computer -> Systemsettings -> Display
> >> [x] Ctrl+Alt+Backspace restarts the xserver
> >>
> >> However it doesn't seem to reliably restart the Xserver.
> Why is it that in a truly nackered situation that really requires
> that to work, somebody FORCES us to use the front panel reset button
> (if there is one), otherwise its pull the line cord?

Like I wrote above, you can enable that feature again. While it doesn't 
necessarily restart the Xserver it kills it anyway. Then you can use 
Ctrl-Alt-Del to reboot. The feature is disabled by default because some 
people fear they might unintentionally hit that key combination. Or 
maybe it even happened to somebody. IIRC it was discussed in February on 
the ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list, if you want to read a bit more 
about it.


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