KPDF gone - Is there a good replacement

Bas Roufs basroufs at
Tue May 19 16:04:04 UTC 2009

2009/5/19 Michael Satterwhite <michael at>:
> In Jaunty, KPDF has been replaced by evince. While I'm sure there are some
> advantages to it (haven't found them yet, but I'm a bit slow), there is a
> big disadvantage.

I understand your question perfectly well. 'kPDF' was one of my
favourites when using Kubuntu 7.10. But with 'Jaunty', KPDF has not
'gone'. It has simply another name: "Okular" - a package with the same
features and some extra ones.  Open simply a PDF file with 'Okular'
and you will understand what I mean.

Respectfully yours,


Bas G. Roufs M.A.
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL-3514 VT  Utrecht
M. +31.6.446.835.10
T. +31.30.785.20.40
BasRoufs at

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