Torrent Programs

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Sat May 16 23:13:31 UTC 2009

Is there a way to use the torrent programs where you can use your bandwidth.  
For a few days after I install a torrent program, like Ktorrent, I get 320kpbs 
download with 60kpbs upload.  I am faithful to upload all downwnload data that 
I use, but do not upload data where deceptive practices have been used to sell 
you something or perhaps provide the offer in a language you cannot understand, 
all the while they offer it using the English language to identify their 

I have been days trying to upload mostly junk, however, it was not 
misrepresented, so I am obliged to send the data.  Of fifteen entries, I am 
uploading at a rate of about 10kpbs.  Additionally, not downloading anything, 
I selected a couple of files for download, expecting to download at a pretty 
high rate.  Both have several peers, however, I am not connected for 2 days 
now.  0 download with about 350kbps available.

I am spending twice what I used to for my ISP connection, trying to obtain 
more speed,  and getting less service in the process.  I am about to terminate 
the process completely and reduce my bandwidth again, it is foolish to pay 
twice as much to receive 1/2 the benefit.

I have read and tried most of the suggestions from those on the forums, 
however, they do not sound very technically educated, and their 
recommendations don't work.  Is it possible to understand how the system works 
and get fair response from it?  Thanks!


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