Jaunty: How to install a USB printer? really <OT>
Gene Heskett
gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sat May 16 06:53:36 UTC 2009
On Saturday 16 May 2009, Ric Moore wrote:
>On Fri, 2009-05-15 at 12:14 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Friday 15 May 2009, Ric Moore wrote:
>> >On Thu, 2009-05-14 at 23:14 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> >> So don't blame it on kde4 style printers, its all of them AFAIK. This
>> >> epson is nearly a decade old, and the Stylus Pro in front of it was the
>> >> same way in 1994.
>> >
>> >My old Teletype 43 and my NEC Spinwriter 5525 could print boxes of
>> >printer paper on one cartridge. I almost miss them!
>> >http://www.atariarchives.org/bcc3/showpage.php?page=287
>> >Can't find a pic of the Spinwriter!
>> IIRC that TT-43 used a fabric cartridge ribbon and I know the Spinwriter
>> did.
>The film cartridges were for fine high quality print, which looked
>glossy and almost raised. IIRC that on the Spinwriter you had to set a
>toggle when using film as it was a once-through and would barely inch
>the ribbon along. You couldn't reuse it.
Same with the 1650-ro/Diablo, but if it had a switch, it was in the carriage
>Using the ribbon, it worked in an endless loop, until it just had no
>more ink left in it. Darn if I wouldn't like to have that old Spinwriter
>back, as it made beautiful print jobs using the film cartridge. Any one
>got one that still works?? I'll give it a home! Ric
And you will likely find that the film ribbons are just like the ones for the
Diablo, they've been cooking in a mexican warehouse for 20+ years, and will
shatter on the first character. When being driven from the coco or my amiga,
my driver program (pf) used a markup language of sorts, which knew about
sub/superscript, underlining, and bold. The daisy had the best font on it
that I've ever seen from a printer until the 3rd generation of ink squirters
finally looked better. A std ascii wheel that you COULD tell the diff between
an el and a 1. The WP wheel was a pita cuz it swapped some of the WP stuff in
place of lessor used characters. Since I was using it for source code
listings, the WP wheel managed to get lost 20 years ago. I picked that thing
up at a hamfest here in WV, probably 22-23 years ago, for a $25 dollar bill.
Cheers, Gene
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