
Sascha Güthling guethling at
Thu May 14 12:15:51 UTC 2009

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 2:01 AM, Goh Lip <g.lip at> wrote:
> Steven Vollom wrote:
>> Dear Goh Lip
>> (trim)
>> I have decided I want to have suspend to disk ability.  That requires swap
>> equal to my RAM, doesn't it.  Will that automatically happen too?
>> (trim)
> Steven, I am not clear about suspend to disk requirements, I had always
> thought it uses the RAM memory rather than the hard disk. Also when
> RAM's  are 4 GB or more, the accepted opinion is that 2GB of swap memory
> may not even be necessary. But they are not talking about suspend to
> disk. If I were you, (and I am not you), having lots of RAM and hard
> disks, I would allocate 12 GB to swap.
You confuse Suspend to RAM with Suspend to Disk. I guess you see the
difference already. Suspend to Ram shuts down the system but keeps the
RAM powered so you don't loose it. Suspend to Disk saves the content
of the RAM to the HDD (here to the swap area) and shuts the computer
down completely. That's why you need that much swap to be able to do
that. When waking up the content is read back into RAM and the system
looks like when you left it.
> All the best,
> Goh Lip

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