PulseAudio listing in Multimedia

Nigel Henry cave.dnb2m97pp at aliceadsl.fr
Thu May 14 09:04:06 UTC 2009

On Thursday 14 May 2009 00:26, Billie Erin Walsh wrote:
> Kevin B. O'Brien wrote:
> > I ma having a problem with Phonon not working since my upgrade to
> > Jaunty. Every device that "uses" Phonon, if that can accurately be said
> > under the present circumstances, is completely soundless. Miro and
> > certain movie players work just fine, so I know it is just a software
> > problem.
> >
> > When I go to System Settings --> Multimedia, I see PulseAudio listed in
> > the Device Preference list, even though I have made every attempt to
> > remove it, and apt-get says there is nothing there to remove. Since this
> > may have some bearing on my problem, is there a way to edit this list?
> > All I can do on this screen is move things up or down, but removing is
> > not an option.
> >
> > Thank you,
> I installed just about everything I could find for Alsa and deleted the
> main Pulseaudio package. There are other pulseaudio packages but to
> uninstall them you would have to delete half the OS. It still shows
> pulseaudio but it now shows Alsa also. Alsa makes my audio work now. I
> set Alsa as the default. HOWEVER, Alsa settings won't "stick" over a
> reboot. I have to go into Alsamixergui and reset it if I reboot.
> Broken since 8.10.
> YMMV!!!

Hi Billie.

This may not be your problem, but it's worth a look in Kmix's settings > 
configure kmix. If the load volumes at login box is checked, uncheck it, and 
then see if your settings are saved when you reboot.

This is a long standing problem with Kmix, and seems to come and go with 
various distros, and distro versions.

The problem is that when you shutdown, alsactl store is run, and saves your 
settings. So far so good. Then you reboot and alsactl restore is run, and the 
alsamixer settings are restored to the state they were in when they were 
saved. This is pre login. Now though you login to KDE, and Kmix messes with 
the alsamixer settings, and changes them to the original settings that Kmix 
had when you installed the OS.

The load volumes at login box, when checked, retains these original settings 
somewhere, so that whatever changes you make to alsamixer, or Kmix when 
booted up, are saved correctly when you reboot, and restored correctly, but 
only as far as the KDE login. Then you login, and Kmix's original settings 
are applied, and messes up your correctly restored alamixer settings.

As I say, this may not be your problem, but it is a long standing one.

All the best.


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