Jaunty - can I disable xinerama?

marc gmane at auxbuss.com
Wed May 13 17:02:57 UTC 2009

Mark Greenwood said:

> On Wednesday 13 May 2009 11:48:35 Willy Hamra wrote:
>> 2009/5/13 marc <gmane at auxbuss.com>:
>> > Mark Greenwood said:
>> >
>> >> I will probably raise this as a bug, but X confuses the living goo
>> >> out of me so I'd like to probe the collective wisdom here first..
>> >>
>> >> On my Asus eee box, X has inexplicably decided I have 2 displays
>> >> attached, despite there only being one connector for a monitor, and
>> >> that being connected to my flatscreen TV's VGA port. Very odd.
>> >> Anyway it seems that because it thinks I have 2 screens it has also
>> >> enabled the horror that is Xinerama and this is causing mythtv no
>> >> small amount of confusion.
>> >
>> > Yup, it seem that if you have multiple video cards and/or multiple
>> > monitors X gets very confused. I'm having problems myself, and it's
>> > looking like X is the culprit.
>> >
>> >> Now that we have this new improved X which ignores xorg.conf, how
>> >> can I disable xinerama? Or how can I inform it politely that I only
>> >> have one screen?
>> >
>> > I don't believe that X ignores xorg.conf. If you make changes to
>> > xorg.conf, restart X, then examine the logs, you should see you're
>> > additions being actioned.
>> >
>> > There does seem to be quite a bit of confusion, though, about what's
>> > going on.
>> >
>> >
>> yup, i've had enough of all this confusion about the bullet proof X. X
>> still DOES read xorg.conf, and still DOES apply all the graphical
>> gibberish we throw in it. i have written my xorg.conf for every release
>> of kubuntu from the days of gutsy, and always will. the new bullet
>> proof X is just that it can run, autoconfigure itself, and work
>> properly even if there is no xorg.conf at all, that's the whole story.
>> once settings exist, autoconfiguration stops, and it reads the file. as
>> for xinerama, i'm sorry, but i never used it, or have any idea what
>> properties/options it has that can be put in xorg.conf to control it.
> Pasted from my xorg.conf:
> # Note that some configuration settings that could be done previously #
> in this file, now are automatically configured by the server and
> settings # here are ignored.
> Is this wrong?

I don't have those comments in mine.

> I've already tried several valid modeline settings (generated using gtf)
> to try to change the vsync settings, but X ignores them all. The same
> settings, on the same hardware, with an older version of X (and a
> different distro) work exactly as expected. Wierd.

What do the logs say? Lines from the .conf are marked, so I presume it 
will tell you when it ignores something.


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