Jaunty - can I disable xinerama?

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Wed May 13 13:14:45 UTC 2009

Mark Greenwood wrote:

> I will probably raise this as a bug,

It isn't...

> but X confuses the living goo out of
> me so I'd like to probe the collective wisdom here first..
> On my Asus eee box, X has inexplicably decided I have 2 displays attached,
> despite there only being one connector for a monitor, and that being
> connected to my flatscreen TV's VGA port.

Then, by definition, you have two displays.  There's clearly a second 
display on your eee.

> Now that we have this new improved X which ignores xorg.conf, how can I
> disable xinerama? Or how can I inform it politely that I only have one
> screen?

xrandr would do it, if your system settings don't provide a way (I don't 
have Gnome).


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