Specific word locater.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Sun May 10 12:14:20 UTC 2009

On Saturday 09 May 2009 01:44:30 pm Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
> Hi steven,
> On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 18:02, Steven Vollom <stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net>
> wrote: ...
> > Every time I use the find or locate option in Dolphin, it is only
> > occasional that I am able to find what I am looking for.
> >
> > For instance:  If I type a name of a movie into find, I would expect to
> > find an address for that movie every place it existed in my computer, if
> > in fact it were in my computer, but that is not the case with Dolphin, as
> > far as I have experienced.
> You must have an index of your data before being able to find anything:
> go to system settings - Advanced Tag -> Desktop search
> activate Nepomuk and let it run. This might take some time, depending
> on the amount of data you actually have on your computer.
> There is a "Advanced settings" tab where you can choose the locations
> you want to include into the indexing.
> Don't include any system folders, that would make the search useless,
> as the locate database underlying every Linux system already contains
> those files, so no need to add those again for another index.
> Once the indexing completed, which you can see if you check the memory
> load of nepomukestorage with top, activate the strigi search feature,
> then restart KDE.
> IIRC, there are some issues with Strigi, but can't lay a hand on the
> relevant bug right now.
> Regards, Myriam.
> --
> Protect your freedom and join the Fellowship of FSFE:
> http://www.fsfe.org
> Please don't send me proprietary file formats,
> use ISO standard ODF instead (ISO/IEC 26300)

Dear Myriam,

Thank you for the help.  I checked the box for Enable Nepomuk Desktop.  My 
computer made a lot of work sounds, so I believe I indexed my /home/steven 
directory.  I did not include any system folders.  I opened 'top' but I could 
not see anything about nepomukestorage.  Additionally, when I checked Enable 
Strigi Desktop File Indexer, it said Strigi service not running.  I rebooted 
to see if that would enable Strigi, but when open again, the enable box was 
unchecked.  I have checked it again, but don't know what to do to get it 
enabled.  The only thing I am aware that is running right now except for 
whatever runs in the background is Kontact with Kmail active and the window 
for Desktop Search - System Settings>Nepomuk/Strigi Server Configuration>Basic 
Settings tab w/both Nepomuk and Strigi checked.

In the Advanced Settings tab, my directory has Desktop, Downloads, Documents 
and e-Sword checked.  CompletedDownloads would be the better directory to be 
checked, but it is not an option shown.  When I click on the plus sign, none 
of the items open to expose any content.  Is that normal?

The reason I think CompletedDownloads should be checked is because, when 
downloads are completed, they are transferred immediately to a 
CompletedDownload folder.  So when I am not downloading anything, the Download 
folder does not contain anything.  It is currently empty.

I could send a screen print of my 'top' entries, but the only things using 
memory now are krfb, Xorg, plasma, kontact, konsole, knemo,and krunner.  In 
total they use less than 4% memory and less than 7% cpu.  There are 43 items 
listed, most have 0.0 entries.

Just to see if a search would produce anything I typed in the title of my 
favorite movie "Bagdad Cafe"; it did not produce any results.  By the way, if 
Nepomuk indexed my boot drive, none of my data is in there.  /media/disk and 
/media/disk-1 contain all my files.  If that makes a difference, how do I get 
them included in the indexing?


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