Switching off all ound notifications

marc gmane at auxbuss.com
Mon May 4 16:02:23 UTC 2009

Antonio Augusto (Mancha) said:

> On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 09:33, marc <gmane at auxbuss.com> wrote:
>> Antonio Augusto (Mancha) said:
>>> On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 04:30, marc <gmane at auxbuss.com> wrote:
>>>> Clay Weber said:
>>>>> On Thursday 30 April 2009 6:26:48 pm marc wrote:
>>>>>> Clay Weber said:
>>>>>> > On Thursday 30 April 2009 6:06:00 pm marc wrote:
>>>>>> >> It used to be possible to switch off all sound notifications in
>>>>>> >> a single click. I can't find where to do this now. Anyone know?
>>>>>> >> Thanks.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Try System Settings / Notifications / Player Settings and check
>>>>>> > "no audio output"
>>>>>> > That , um, sounds like that is what you are looking for
>>>>>> Ah, I thought that was for all audio, not just notifications.
>>>>>> However, it doesn't work for gnome apps (in Kubuntu), which
>>>>>> continue peeping and pinging and burbling every time you hit a
>>>>>> button. And, of course, the apps themselves don't have their own
>>>>>> audio controls; I know not why, I really don't.
>>>>> Unfortunately, you will probably have to go into gnome's preferences
>>>>> and disable it there, too.
>>>>> You are more or less running two separate desktop environments that
>>>>> don't use the same settings. There are some standards, such as menus
>>>>> and similar, but once you open a gnome app, it will look for gnome
>>>>> settings. KDE's settings aren't used there (and vice-versa).
>>>> Yup, but I really thin they should be unified in this case. As I
>>>> implied, this whole "new" area hasn't been thought through at all.
>>> This is no easy feat IMHO, since, for starts Gnome and KDE use two
>>> completly different sound architecture. KDE4 uses Phonon and Gnome is
>>> using Pulseaudio, so no, in the short term, I can't see this changing.
>> Nah, phonon can use pulse audio. They are two different things.
> So you just demonstrated my point :)

No I didn't.

> They are two different things, so how come you want them to behave as
> one?

<sigh> Try some education before you start slinging arrows.

Phonon is a high-level API. Look it up. Pulse is a broader API and an 
audio engine.

  $ ps -e 

Look ma, a process!

If you understood ought about abstraction, then you'd know that one 
abstraction layer can use another. They are different things, but of the 
same domain/context/problem space.

And please don't attribute to me your delusional ramblings.

>>> After all this is what makes them TWO different desktops, instead of a
>>> single project.
>> Linux is a multi user system. If gnome and kde can't live together then
>> we're stuffed.
> Multi user yeah: if two uses log-on on the system and one uses KDE and
> the others uses Gnome the settings of one won't mess with that of the
> other. Thats what multiuser means.

Oh dear! Limited knowledge or limited imagination?

> What you want is interoperability and integration between two different
> applications. And thats up to the developers of each application.

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, do you?

>> You can't just wave your arms and say this issue is inherent in having
>> both available. Where the heck do you stop with that line of reasoning?
> So, tell me whats the problem is then. If its not inherent to using two
> different apps, that use two different architectures, than I don't
> really know what can be :)

Problem is described above. You seemed to have grasped it earlier. Sorry 
you can no longer grasp the issue.

> What you are trying to do is more or less tha same sa saying: I want my
> bookmarks on Firefox to appear in Konqueror automagically, and
> vice-versa.

You truly have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, do you?

Never mind, all is not lost, a career in politics awaits.

> Hope i made myself clear.

Oh, crystal!


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