Jaunty Musings
Clay Weber
claydoh at midmaine.com
Fri May 1 20:38:54 UTC 2009
On Friday 01 May 2009 4:24:32 pm Ian L. Target wrote:
> Clay Weber wrote:
> > you can also switch to a 'tradiditonal' desktop layout and kmenu setup as
> > well if you wish
> Yes! How do I do this? I am kind of embarrassed as I am usually able
> to figure these things out just by playing with the settings. Not this
> time though.
> Also, I had K-Mail up for less than five minutes before it crashed . . .
first, right-click somewhere on your desktop and select "Appearance Settings"
Then, at the top, select "Folder View" in the "type" section. Click "apply"
and viola!
After that, you can right-click on your desktop again and find other settings
related to your new setup, like icon size, etc.
To switch the kmenu, simply right-click on the icon and select "Switch to
Classic Menu Style"
Clay Weber
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