codec for .wmv with audio v3

Tony Sivori TonySivori at
Fri May 1 16:58:36 UTC 2009

I'm running 8.04 and KDE 3.5. All updates are installed.

Recently I'm getting no sound from some videos. I know it is possible that
the poster posted a defective file, but they all seem to be the same type
(.wmv) and xine always shows the same error:

.wmv unsupported codec:
Audio Codec: Windows Media Audio v3 (0x16)

Here's an example:
message-id: <49f24311$0$27405$6d4158fb at>

Results are the same, video but no sound with xine, Mplayer, VLC media
player, Avidemux, Helix, and Kaffiene. Kaffiene tries to install a codec,
but gives an error that the "codec package is already installed".

Any help, or any idea of when audio support for v3 wmv files will be

Tony Sivori
Due to spam, I'm filtering all Google Groups posters. 

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