Jaunty installation of Wine.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Sat Mar 28 22:56:04 UTC 2009

I am following the following instructions from a forum online.

ok you are going to have to do this

open up a terminal and type sudo apt-get build-dep wine

while you are downloading these dependencies, you will need to download 
the source code for wine


after you are done with installing the dependencies in the terminal, 
open up a new one (you should extract the wine source in as the folder 
in your home folder)

in the terminal type cd wine1.1.6 or whatever the folder is

Then type /.configure

this will take ~3 minutes

after that you will need to do make
which can take 1-3 hours, depending on you cpu

after that is completed, do sudo make install

just make sure you uninstalled your older version of wine just in case.


In line 5 of the above instruction, I opened a new shell.  I extracted 
the wine source into /home/steven/Desktop

It's name is wine-1.1.16.tar.bz2.  At this point my inexperience has me 
stopped.  I tried cd to /home/steven/Desktop so I am currently in the 
Desktop directory, but I am confused about what to type in next.  if I 
type in /.configure, I get the response: No such file or directory.  If 
I type in wine-1.1.16.tar.bz2, I get command not found.

My goal is to be able to install e-Sword in the end.  But in Jaunty, I 
have to follow the above instructions, and I am not able to understand 
the instruction.  Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong.  Thanks.


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