
Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at gmx.de
Thu Mar 12 12:29:16 UTC 2009

Steven Vollom wrote:
> Eberhard Roloff wrote:
>> Steven Vollom wrote:
>>> My suspicion is that I am missing a cab or dll that is necessary, but 
>>> don't know how to identify or get what I need to make things work.  And 
>>> for those who will recommend the Linux version, it does not contain my 
>>> favorite version of the Bible, the Good News Bible, which is translated 
>>> into conversational today language better than all the other newer 
>>> translations.  Because I have had it working in four other Kubuntu 
>>> versions, I would much prefer fixing the problem rather than changing to 
>>> another application.
>>> Thanks in advance for any help you provide.
>>> Steven
>> Steven,
>> try it like this:
>> open konsole
>> navigate to your wine e-Sword directory:
>> cd .wine/drive_c/Program Files/e-Sword
>> then start e_Sword from there:
>> wine e_Sword.exe
>> My hope is that we will get some error messages on konsole that could 
>> possibly help us to see what the problem is.
>> Kind regards
>> Eberhard
> It just starts normally, Eberhard.  No error messages, it just opens the 
> normal e-Sword application.  All the Bibles show with their abbreviated 
> acronyms.  I click on the Bible of choice and nothing happens.  Usually 
> if you highlight, for instance Genesis, then a chapter, it opens to the 
> first verse of the chapter.  Instantly the words come on the page.  Now 
> it stays blank.


When you start the applcation from konsole, within konsole you will 
immediately be flooded with error messages!!!

However, what really counts here, is what you see inside konsole, when 
you click
"on the Bible of choice and nothing happens".

Please have e-Sword and the konsole which started e-sword, open and 
directly side by side. Then do your "click, where nothing happens" and 
let us know what konsole shows at that very moment.

Hopefully we will see, what the application tries to do, but does not 
succeed in doing.

There are better debug options in wine but I am not familiar with them 
and would have to investigate, if this one does not reveal anything.

You can also find many informations about "e-sword with wine" on google. 
Mostly they are relating to msls31.dll which is missing and 
riched20.dll, which should be set to "built in" for e-Sword.exe via winecfg.

kind regards




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