scientific authoring at the summer of code?

Pol xtekhne at
Thu Mar 12 06:00:13 UTC 2009

<posted & mailed>

D. R. Evans wrote:
 I don't understand what you're saying here. Some explicit examples would
> be helpful (but not on this reflector... like I said, this request belongs
> somewhere else).

I mean to be able to compute math expressions that appear in a lyx text and
have the result in their  place. The same for geometric pictures: changing 
features of a picture so that the new picture replaces the original one. 
> Again, I'm a bit lost. "lyx text" is just text (I think), so konqueror can
> already render it.

Math lyx text cannot be rendered by konqueror. I think a specific kpart is

> You can already convert from .doc and .odt to LaTeX if you really want to.
> You can't go the other way (at least, not in any way that's very useful),
> because TeX contains far more information than any word-processing format.
That does not work very well. 


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