RESOLVED ** Re: Clicking on plasmoid Desktop Folders opens Kaffeine

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Thu Mar 5 11:18:35 UTC 2009

Johnny Ernst Nielsen wrote:
> Greetings Steven.
> torsdag den 5. Marts 2009 kvad Steven Vollom:
>>> I'm not playing with you Steven. I'm trying to help you :o)
>> I hope I did not offend you. Learning computer talk is kind of 
>> like learning a new language.  To an inexperienced person, it
>> sounded kind of like "if you put the whosits in the whachamacallit
>> then the doodlewidget affects the whatsit.  I am so stupid still
>> that some of the guys play with my inexperience and make jokes.  I
>> sure didn't mean to offend.  I am for sure taking it serious right
>> now.
> We were all new with computer stuff once. Don't worry about it. You'll 
> learn :o)
>> I got as far as to the directory.  It has two tabs General and
>> Embedding.  I don't see any option for sub node.
> The sub node stuff is the tree structure at the left.
> "Sub node" is a term for "a node inside an other node".
> When you first get to the file association dialog, I presume you have 
> only one list of nodes at the left side, all with a small "+" to 
> their left.
> When you click the "+", you "unfold" that node so you can see 
> what "sub nodes" it contains.
>> I see the list you are talking about, at the top is Kaffeine then
>> Dolphin, Konqueror, Dolphin again then Open Folder.  I am guessing
>> that Open Folder should be at the top.
> That would be my first guess too.
>> I will try that and see what happens.  If it doesn't improve things,
>> I will try Dolphin, 
> That would be my second guess, because in the list on my kubuntu 9.04 
> computer I have only Dolphin and Konqueror, with Dolphin at the top.
>> my next logical choice, and it is probably Konqueror that I should
>> raise to the top,
> Which would be my third guess.
>> I changed the order to Open Folder, Dolphin, Konqueror, Kaffeine,
>> Dolphin and apply.  Hope I didn't screw things up.
> Looks like a logical program order to me.
>>>> You are one of those doing the genius part aren't you. I am
>>>> absolutely overwhelmed.  If you are a part of development, I
>>>> love Intrepid.  It has a few problems but is a big move forward.
>>>>  I am anxious to see 9.02, but not knowlegable enough to do so
>>>> yet.  Thanks much.
> I'm not a developer on the KDE or kubuntu. I have just used KDE since 
> the KDE 2 days, so I have an idea where to look for some things.
> Best regards
> Johnny :o)
For those reading who need solution to the same problem, when you get to 
the last step in Johnny's explanation, I made the decision to move the 
selection 'Open Folder' to the top of the list.  By highlighting 'Open 
Folder' then to the right where it says (something like) Move up, you 
click on Move up until 'Open Folder' is at the top of the list.  
Apparently if that is not the correct choice in your particular 
situation, you just try one of the other choices, move it to the top and 
see if that cures the problem.  Keep doing it until you choose the 
correct one.  I chose correctly for my situation.  It worked, first 
try.  Johnny O is the genius in this situation though.  Thanks! Johnny.


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