Clicking on plasmoid Desktop Folders opens Kaffeine

Johnny Ernst Nielsen j_e_n_pub at
Thu Mar 5 11:08:58 UTC 2009

Greetings Steven.

torsdag den 5. Marts 2009 kvad Steven Vollom:
> Do you know where the Desktop images are located?

Jonas kindly answered that one.

> Now, after removing .kde, I have a blue screen,

Which doesn't surprise me.

/home/steven/.kde/ is the  folder where KDE keeps all settings for 
your user "Steven".

If you moved it to the trash bin, and haven't emptied trash yet, I 
suggest you restore the .kde folder from the trash bin.

Otherwise you will have to find the image wherever you found it for 
starters, and set it as your wallpaper again.

> and I can't find my way back to the choices for background.  I hope
> this isn't a bother.

Click the desktop cashew and choose Appearance Settings.

Best regards

Johnny :o)

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