(Temp Fix) Trouble Install Kubuntu 8.10 64bit with GeForce 8600 GTS Card

Brian Blater brb.lists at gmail.com
Mon Mar 2 18:33:57 UTC 2009

On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 5:21 PM, Brian Blater <brb.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for everyone's suggestions. I'm still battling this problem,
> but do have some more information. I discovered that during bootup I'm
> getting a message - 0.004000 Aperture beyond 4GB. Ignoring. I did a
> search on this and I'm finding that this may be a bug in Intrepid and
> is fixed in Jaunty (not sure if anything is going to happen for an
> Intrepid fix.) I can't be sure if this is totally related to the Video
> card or something to do more with particular BIOSes or a certain
> kernel.
> Any ways, I've tried several of the suggestions from the bug listing
> (iommu=noaperture or iommu=memaper); most people seemed to see this
> error after install, so I'm not sure. For now I think I will try a
> text install and see what happens. If that doesn't work I may think
> about a BIOS upgrade.
> Thanks,
> Brian

Well for now I have finally got it installed. I got rid of the
Aperture beyond 4GB by adding the iommu=noaperture to the kernel line.
As for getting through the install, I had to chose the basic display
mode from the install menu.

I've at least got it installed. Have some more issues with video, but
I'll put that in another e-mail.


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