Server choices - linux / MS?

David Kuntadi d.kuntadi at
Mon Jun 22 11:23:48 UTC 2009

I think you should install 1 server and 1 firewall/router.
My suggestion is:

1, IPCOP as firewall:

2. Add update accelator on ipcop to cache all update:

3. Ubuntu server for mai server, install webmin for ease administration:

4. Add backuppc on ubuntu server to backup user's data


On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 5:29 PM, Alex Faure<alex.faure at> wrote:
> I am installing a small server to server 20 windows users in an office.
> I need to use it to manage emails - download to server and then to users and
> visa versa. It will also be used for windows updates - 1 update, cached and
> then available to all users (not sure yet how I will do this)
> I also want to make backups onto the server of user's data. (automatically)
> The server will not be used as a live data source for users.
> Any advice on installation and utilities I can use
> Any suggestions if this would be OK as a Linux solution - or do I need
> windows server? If linux - which distro/version would be ideal. I only know
> Ubuntu and Kubuntu - suggestions would be great!
> Regards
> Lex
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