Ubuntu or Kubuntu

Joel Oliver joelol75 at verizon.net
Thu Jun 18 13:44:11 UTC 2009

O. Sinclair wrote:
>  Beg to differ - cant stand Synaptic and really like Adept when it works
>  proper. As it does not on my system since some time...

I did like the adept from 3.5, but only for going through a 'few' installs.

There's nothing like that first big 'set it and forget it overnight' 
first install.  And I learned to hate adept for this reason.  I spent 
maybe a hour going through the entire package list picking out stuff. 
And BAM one package that conflicts with another breaks adept and the 
only way is to close it and start over, loosing all the selections.

Yep... I'll take synaptic.  It just works©

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