Fwd: Re: Is there virus removal software for Jaunty KDE
Steven Vollom
stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jun 17 04:35:54 UTC 2009
On Monday 15 June 2009 06:27:45 pm Lisi Reisz wrote:
> Steven -
> I am forwarding this to the list because I feel that list discussions
> should stay on list; and also because some of the people on the list seem
> able to communicate with you better than I. I am a litteralist when it
> comes to words; and it feels a bit to me as though I am conversing with
> Lewis Carol's Humpty Dumpty when I converse with you: words mean what you
> want them to, not what everyone else thinks they mean. E.g., when you said
> that you were connected to the web via a DSL modem, I accepted that at face
> value. Some on the list knew better. You are obviously, however
> distasteful it may be to you, connected via a modem-router of some kind.
> I gave you the name of a Live CD that can be used to scan for computer
> viruses. I repeat, it is called F-Secure Rescue CD. If you google for it,
> you will find it. If you then burn the .iso to a CD, you will be able to
> run it on any computer you wish. Just remember to plug said computer in to
> your "modem" with a Cat 5e (ethernet) cable before you start, so that the
> CD can update its virus data.
> You may well find some viruses in the middle of some of your downloaded
> stuff, but they will not be doing anything. They will just be sitting
> there. I once found 7 little virus .exe's sitting in my husband's
> /home/user directory looking forlorn and helpless. I deleted them, but
> only for the sake of tidyness.
> The problems you describe show a network problem.
> A worm is malware, like viruses. Like viruses they can't actually hurt a
> Linux computer.
> HTH means Hope This Helps.
> Lisi
> ---------- Forwarded Message ----------
> Subject: Re: Is there virus removal software for Jaunty KDE
> Date: Monday 15 June 2009
> From: Steven Vollom <stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net>
> To: Lisi Reisz <lisi.reisz at gmail.com>
> Dear Lisi,
> I am writing you because I cannot fine the email that I got to give me the
> following instructions. First when I attempted to download and install the
> virus appclication you advised, I could not get an accurate copy. The
> writing application said the written data did not match. I also tried to
> install the cd but it would not install. I tried copying again and the
> same thing happened.
> From another member I got instructions for Klamov. I installed and had a
> worm in the laptop. As best I could understand the application, I believe
> the worm is Quarantined. In configuring the application there is a form
> for Proxy for Database Updates. The necessary field to fill out are as
> follows: IP Address,
> I put in which is active on the laptop, User: steven, but for
> Port, I do not know what to put there, and password. It only has one place
> for password and prints in the open. If you understand my explanation,
> will you help me? Thanks!
> Are worms something to be concerned about?
> Steven
> > But I agree with everyone else. Your problem is one of configuration.
> > Probably you have several different things misconfigured, including, by
> > the sound of it, your router.
The router is not connected to anything. It is the same as if in a box in the
closet. Someone else asked me for the exact specs of my modem. I am going to
give them to you right now, because if I am using the language incorrectly, I
need to get it right.
The maker is Westell,
Modem Access Code 5263820374
Advance Device Configuraton go to:
There is a serial number and a MAC number, but they are too small to read
without day light.
It has 5 lights
1 Power
2 Ethernet
4 Internet
5 Activity
The router is disconnected from all computers. No cables connect with
anything at all. The modem is about an inch high, 3 inched deep and 4 inches
wide. On the back is a power receptacle, an ethernet receptacle and a power
input. There is what looks like a reset button, but that is all.
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