Is there virus removal software for Jaunty KDE

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Tue Jun 16 12:04:48 UTC 2009

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 11:06 AM, Lisi Reisz<lisi.reisz at> wrote:
>> > A worm is malware, like viruses.  Like viruses they can't actually hurt a
>> > Linux computer.
>> In my opinion it's wrong to say that Worms can't hurt a Linux
>> computer. There has been some really big threat against Internet and
>> computers with worms spreading from infected Linux/Unix computers. I
>> thinking of vulnerability in DNS, Web/PHP, SSH and mailservers. The
>> risk is not as big as it used to be as distributions today is faster
>> to update bugs and are not running any services as default. So if you
>> not running any services, don't run programs as root and running daily
>> updates you should be safe.
> None-the-less, it will not hurt Steven, nor the actual Linux computer.  I was
> trying to calm panic, not cause it.  I myself malware check the computers I
> administer, in order to protect Windows users.
> Lisi

I don't disagree with your suggestions to Steven just the common
"phrase" from the Linux community that if you running Linux there is
no risks and the windows user has only them self to blame. I think
that Linux users also has a responsibility to make sure that malware
is not spread and that includes to make sure that your Win32 and other
files is free from virus.

/ Jonas

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