Fwd: Re: Is there virus removal software for Jaunty KDE

Lisi Reisz lisi.reisz at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 22:27:45 UTC 2009

Steven -

I am forwarding this to the list because I feel that list discussions should 
stay on list; and also because some of the people on the list seem able to 
communicate with you better than I.  I am a litteralist when it comes to 
words; and it feels a bit to me as though I am conversing with Lewis Carol's 
Humpty Dumpty when I converse with you:  words mean what you want them to, 
not what everyone else thinks they mean.  E.g., when you said that you were 
connected to the web via a DSL modem, I accepted that at face value.  Some on 
the list knew better.  You are obviously, however distasteful it may be to 
you, connected via a modem-router of some kind. 

I gave you the name of a Live CD that can be used to scan for computer 
viruses.  I repeat, it is called F-Secure Rescue CD.  If you google for it, 
you will find it.  If you then burn the .iso to a CD, you will be able to run 
it on any computer you wish.  Just remember to plug said computer in to 
your "modem" with a Cat 5e (ethernet) cable before you start, so that the CD 
can update its virus data.

You may well find some viruses in the middle of some of your downloaded stuff, 
but they will not be doing anything.  They will just be sitting there.  I 
once found 7 little virus .exe's sitting in my husband's /home/user directory 
looking forlorn and helpless.  I deleted them, but only for the sake of 

The problems you describe show a network problem.

A worm is malware, like viruses.  Like viruses they can't actually hurt a 
Linux computer.

HTH means Hope This Helps.

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: Re: Is there virus removal software for Jaunty KDE
Date: Monday 15 June 2009
From: Steven Vollom <stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net>
To: Lisi Reisz <lisi.reisz at gmail.com>

Dear Lisi,

I am writing you because I cannot fine the email that I got to give me the 
following instructions.  First when I attempted to download and install the 
virus appclication you advised, I could not get an accurate copy.  The writing 
application said the written data did not match.  I also tried to install the 
cd but it would not install.  I tried copying again and the same thing 

From another member I got instructions for Klamov.  I installed and had a worm 
in the laptop.  As best I could understand the application, I believe the worm 
is Quarantined.  In configuring the application there is a form for Proxy for 
Database Updates.  The necessary field to fill out are as follows:  IP 
I put in which is active on the laptop, User:  steven, but for 
Port, I do not know what to put there, and password.  It only has one place 
for password and prints in the open.  If you understand my explanation, will 
you help me?  Thanks!

Are worms something to be concerned about?

> But I agree with everyone else.  Your problem is one of configuration.
> Probably you have several different things misconfigured, including, by the
> sound of it, your router.

I agree with you about the router, but don't know how to fix that.  
> HTH - but I sadly doubt it,
> Lisi

What des HTH mean, happy to help?  If so thanks.



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